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PRINTEAR ARTICULO Publication on Karankas (Bolivia)

Author: Ayllu Sartañäni (1995).

Title: “Decentralization perspectives in Karankas: the comunaria vision”. – La Paz:

Ayllu Sartañäni’s study continues to be a prominent reference on the decentralization problems in the Bolivian Altiplano. The document was published by the Ayllu Sartañäni community conformed by Aymara of the region (mostly of caranguenean origin). Ayllu Sartañäni carried out a kind of anticipated cultural criticism to the Law of Popular Participation (LPP) –exactly at the moment of its approval and enforcement– and did it from the aymara (caranguenean) point of view, basing on the local cultural ways of power control and appreciating that the LPP led to an impact and unilateral adjustment in the power structures of Karankas, in the sense of a displacement of the internal social control system as well as in tendency a gradual increase of its penetration by the external political system.

1 June 2007 05:50 PM