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PRINTEAR ARTICULO Publication on the Chiquitanía (Bolivia)

Author: Burkhard Schwarz (1995).

Title: “Yabaicürr-yabaitucürr – chiyabaiturrüp. Neo-colonial strategies of ‘development’ versus chiquitanean territoriality”. – La Paz: FIA – SEMILLA – CEBIAE.

This study continues being a prominent reference on the theme of ethnic identity and "territoriality" in the environment of the Chiquitanos of the East of Bolivia. The text not only contextualises the current territorial contradictions between natives and creoles within the historic dimension, but also analyses the recent territorial and ideological relations between the “Plan de Uso del Suelo” (PLUS) and the political-economical and socio-cultural projections of the dominant groups and business interests in the department of Santa Cruz; it is evident that the concept, strategy and action of the Pilot Project “Protección de los Recursos Naturales” (PRRNN)– the company responsible for the elaboration of PLUS that subsequently was expanded with the label of "territorial ordering" toward other regions of Bolivia– corresponded to a logic of redistribution of the natural resources against the ethnic groups inside the department of Santa Cruz, thus reproducing neo-colonial power structures in the region.

2 June 2007 05:49 PM